Innovative Ideas
Predictive Risk Intellengce
MitKat is the trusted risk intelligence partner to world’s most respected organisations. MitKat’s AI-enabled ‘Risk Tracker’ platform enables us to monitor and analyse an array of geo-political, socio-economic, environmental, health, safety, technology and regulatory risks impacting your business, and our customised alerts and advisories help you stay ahead of the events.
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Predictive Risk Intelligence
MitKat is the trusted risk intelligence partner to world’s most respected organisations. MitKat’s AI-enabled ‘Risk Tracker’ platform enables us to monitor and analyse an array of geo-political, socio-economic, environmental, health, safety, technology and regulatory risks impacting your business, and our customised alerts and advisories help you stay ahead of the events. As business owners, intel, security and resiliency leaders, our technology - based risk monitoring and expert human analysis allows you to understand global, regional and local incidents and trends, and factor in appropriate de-risking and mitigation measures into your decision-support system. In addition, as a MitKat customer your dedicated analyst will respond urgently and effectively to your queries.
To know more about PRI subscription services or of our Intel Platform (GRIT) - Global Risk Intelligence Tracker